Wednesday 13 April 2011

Quizzz Time ---

                                  - jaideep & akshay
How environment savvy are you!?

Are you the messiah of our century capable of salvaging the earth’s environment or are you yet another ignorant and irresponsible carbon junkie who thinks global warming is a conspiracy hatched by “those rumour mongering, attention seeking green activists”?

Find out by answering our eco quiz. 

1. You all know him for his record breaking Hollywood hits; The Departed, Blood Diamond and Inception being a few of them. Do you also know that he is a very enthusiastic champion of the environment cause? Name the famous documentary about the environment in which this famous personality starred.

2. Now that we have seen an eco-crusader, lets get down to learning about some real nasty people, the oil companies. So you guys have heard about BP, the company responsible for the worst environmental disaster of recent times, the deepwater horizon incident. Before this incident, the notorious title of worst oil spill was held by another company. Name this company.

3. This fictional hero stars in a Disney movie about the apocalyptic, “not so distant” future. He cleans up the earth while the humans have left the earth to live in outer space because they have rendered it uninhabitable. His only friends are a cockroach and a small green plant. Name this hero.

4. This former US vice president is one of the leading faces of the green cause having jointly won a nobel peace prize in 2007 for his contributions in creating awareness about the environment. Name this champ.

5. This activity is highly endangering the survival of some species of animals living in the ocean. Japan, Iceland and Norway are the most notorious nations practicing this activity off their shores. Environmental activist groups such as one called “sea shepherd” often get involved in skirmishes with commercial trawlers practicing this activity. These groups attack the ships in high speed boats to prevent them from carrying out the environmentally destructive activity. Name the activity.


1. The 11th hour

2. Exxon corporation

3. Wall-e

4. Al Gore

5. Whaling

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