Saturday 5 March 2011

Check yourself.......

                           -Sandeep Guguloth

JUNTA....All of us know how much important environmental protection is and also the ways of doing it. But ,are we really doing them?
If so how much environment conscious are we ?

        Wanna check ????? Here are the "24 simple things those can be done to prevent air pollution"
 How to check??
        Simple...each point carries one mark/point if the answer is yes & zero if it is no. So what?..... start counting your points.

START !!!!!!!

---) Drive less & Drive smart

       About half the air pollution comes from cars & trucks. Taking fewer trips in your car or bike helps cut air pollution.Driving less doesn't mean that u have to stay at home. Try combining modes of transport.

1. I really prefer to go on a bicycle instead of powered vehicles..... even at my home!!
2. Even though I don't have a cycle I want to ride on public transit instead of using car or motor bike.
3. I obey the speed limit.
4. I combine my errands into ! trip.
5. I keep my vehicle's tyres properly inflated.

---)Save energy
          Saving energy indirectly reduces air pollution. usage of fossil fuels should be minimized to max possible extent.
6. I turn off the lights, fans & shut down my comp when I leave the room.
7. I prefer to use fan instead of AC.
8. I insulated my water heater.
9. I dry my clothes on a clothesline.
10.I turn off the lights, fans if i am the one to leave the class room at last.
---)Waste not

         It takes energy to make & sell the products we use. There are also ways to reduce this waste which save money.

11. I choose recycled products.
12. I reuse paper bags.
13. I prefer to write, print or photocopy on bothsides of paper.
14. I choose products with recyclable packaging.

---)Watch out for the small stuff

         When you breathe, very small particles like dust & soot can slip past your lungs' natural defense system. They get stuck deep i your lungs and may cause problems- starting from asthma attacks to fatal lung diseases. hence it is always needed to be careful with such small things.

15. I avoid leaf blowers & other types of equipment that raise a lot of dust. instead of them use a rake or broom.
16. I drive slowly on paved roads.
17. I avoid vigorous physical activity on days with unhealthy air.
18. I don't smoke.

---)Know the Inside story
          Air pollution is a problem indoors & out. Most people live atleast 70 percent of their lives indoor. So one has to reduce pollution in home,home,school or college.
19. I don't hesitate to send smokers outside.
20. I use the products such as cleaning agents ,paints and glues outdoors or with plenty of ventilation indoors.
21. I clean my room frequently to remove dust and molds.

---)Speak up for clean air

          One should what they can do to reduce air pollution. It'll make a difference.

22. I write to my local newspaper to support action for healthy air.

---)Reduce land pollution

23. I support organic farming by purchasing food grown organically which have the words "certified organic" on it.
24. I practice the three Rs ( Reduce,Reuse & Recycle ).


SCORE -                    Comment
   24    -    dude!! you're cheating yourselves (Do it again sincerely)
14-24  -    really really good machaan .......insti's proud of you
  5-14  -    average ( you are a typical iitian daa )
  0-5    -    BAD ( I hope no one falls in this category )

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