Wednesday 13 April 2011

Vultures turn vulnerable

                                          -Jessica Bernard

Indian vulture too to list of endangered species! The species of Indian vultures belonging to the genus Gyps is in the verge of getting in to the Red Data Book.Guys,the White-backed,Long-billed and Slender-billed vultures are really in trouble.It is disheartening  that these species are endemic to the Moyar Valley in Sathyamangalam forest division of Tamil Nadu.

Decline in the number of Indian  vultures was first noticed in Rajasthan.A drastic reduction in vulture population was detected initially in KeoLadeo national park in 1960s and by 1999-2000, vultures of various species could not be found in KeoLadeo.Loss of habitat is one of the major causes for this plight.Ruthless deforestation and human encroachments are posing threat to their havens.Recent studies reveal that drugs administered to cattle such as `diclofenac’ are harmful to these scavengers.The practice of poisoning of carcasses by villagers also contribute to the plight of vultures.

Moyar Valley is the habitat for about four species of Gyps vultures.It is high time that we start acting to prevent these species from getting extinct.Proper awareness is to be created to deter villagers from indulging in actions causing havoc to the of vulture population. Only collective actions collaborated between the authorities and local communities can save our vultures.

Quizzz Time ---

                                  - jaideep & akshay
How environment savvy are you!?

Are you the messiah of our century capable of salvaging the earth’s environment or are you yet another ignorant and irresponsible carbon junkie who thinks global warming is a conspiracy hatched by “those rumour mongering, attention seeking green activists”?

Find out by answering our eco quiz. 

1. You all know him for his record breaking Hollywood hits; The Departed, Blood Diamond and Inception being a few of them. Do you also know that he is a very enthusiastic champion of the environment cause? Name the famous documentary about the environment in which this famous personality starred.

2. Now that we have seen an eco-crusader, lets get down to learning about some real nasty people, the oil companies. So you guys have heard about BP, the company responsible for the worst environmental disaster of recent times, the deepwater horizon incident. Before this incident, the notorious title of worst oil spill was held by another company. Name this company.

3. This fictional hero stars in a Disney movie about the apocalyptic, “not so distant” future. He cleans up the earth while the humans have left the earth to live in outer space because they have rendered it uninhabitable. His only friends are a cockroach and a small green plant. Name this hero.

4. This former US vice president is one of the leading faces of the green cause having jointly won a nobel peace prize in 2007 for his contributions in creating awareness about the environment. Name this champ.

5. This activity is highly endangering the survival of some species of animals living in the ocean. Japan, Iceland and Norway are the most notorious nations practicing this activity off their shores. Environmental activist groups such as one called “sea shepherd” often get involved in skirmishes with commercial trawlers practicing this activity. These groups attack the ships in high speed boats to prevent them from carrying out the environmentally destructive activity. Name the activity.


1. The 11th hour

2. Exxon corporation

3. Wall-e

4. Al Gore

5. Whaling

Saturday 5 March 2011

Check yourself.......

                           -Sandeep Guguloth

JUNTA....All of us know how much important environmental protection is and also the ways of doing it. But ,are we really doing them?
If so how much environment conscious are we ?

        Wanna check ????? Here are the "24 simple things those can be done to prevent air pollution"
 How to check??
        Simple...each point carries one mark/point if the answer is yes & zero if it is no. So what?..... start counting your points.

START !!!!!!!

---) Drive less & Drive smart

       About half the air pollution comes from cars & trucks. Taking fewer trips in your car or bike helps cut air pollution.Driving less doesn't mean that u have to stay at home. Try combining modes of transport.

1. I really prefer to go on a bicycle instead of powered vehicles..... even at my home!!
2. Even though I don't have a cycle I want to ride on public transit instead of using car or motor bike.
3. I obey the speed limit.
4. I combine my errands into ! trip.
5. I keep my vehicle's tyres properly inflated.

---)Save energy
          Saving energy indirectly reduces air pollution. usage of fossil fuels should be minimized to max possible extent.
6. I turn off the lights, fans & shut down my comp when I leave the room.
7. I prefer to use fan instead of AC.
8. I insulated my water heater.
9. I dry my clothes on a clothesline.
10.I turn off the lights, fans if i am the one to leave the class room at last.
---)Waste not

         It takes energy to make & sell the products we use. There are also ways to reduce this waste which save money.

11. I choose recycled products.
12. I reuse paper bags.
13. I prefer to write, print or photocopy on bothsides of paper.
14. I choose products with recyclable packaging.

---)Watch out for the small stuff

         When you breathe, very small particles like dust & soot can slip past your lungs' natural defense system. They get stuck deep i your lungs and may cause problems- starting from asthma attacks to fatal lung diseases. hence it is always needed to be careful with such small things.

15. I avoid leaf blowers & other types of equipment that raise a lot of dust. instead of them use a rake or broom.
16. I drive slowly on paved roads.
17. I avoid vigorous physical activity on days with unhealthy air.
18. I don't smoke.

---)Know the Inside story
          Air pollution is a problem indoors & out. Most people live atleast 70 percent of their lives indoor. So one has to reduce pollution in home,home,school or college.
19. I don't hesitate to send smokers outside.
20. I use the products such as cleaning agents ,paints and glues outdoors or with plenty of ventilation indoors.
21. I clean my room frequently to remove dust and molds.

---)Speak up for clean air

          One should what they can do to reduce air pollution. It'll make a difference.

22. I write to my local newspaper to support action for healthy air.

---)Reduce land pollution

23. I support organic farming by purchasing food grown organically which have the words "certified organic" on it.
24. I practice the three Rs ( Reduce,Reuse & Recycle ).


SCORE -                    Comment
   24    -    dude!! you're cheating yourselves (Do it again sincerely)
14-24  -    really really good machaan .......insti's proud of you
  5-14  -    average ( you are a typical iitian daa )
  0-5    -    BAD ( I hope no one falls in this category )

Thursday 3 March 2011


                             - Jessica Bernard

             The exponential growth and the wondrous achievements of science have been lauded throughout the world, at the hazards that these wonders pose to the environment & even human life is often overlooked.

           The recent oil-spill at Mumbai showcases how mishandling of super structures can cause a mayhem. The mishap caused as the Panama- flagged MSC Chitra & MV Khalija 3 collided off the mumbai coast. It caused abt 200 containers from MSC Chitra to be thrown into Arabian sea.

             It is known that oil can form thin film like sheaths. It can asphyxiate all life forms and wipe them off. According to Bombay Natural History Society(BNHS) spill will have amplified impact on sedimentary marine animals like shells, lobsters, crabs, oyster, shrimps & mud skippers. The  impact on the fish will be known only in fair season btw December and March.

          The oil spill has caused massive damage to the 25 km mangrove stretch along Vashi area. The oil sleek  has damaged many mangrove saplings and this can create drastic imbalances in the marine ecosystem. The volatilized particles that evaporate cause toxicity to birds & other living forms outside the marine ecosystem. These will ultimately cause untold miseries to coastal population.

         The bio remediation process by using ' oil zapper ' technology was carried out by TERI to clear oil layers from beaches over 5 kg of microbes can clean 1 tonne of oil contaminated sand or soil. it took about 45 days to bring oil layer under control . The cleaning process in Sasawne & Karave coast is almost completed.

            The tanker & general ship movement to India along western coast has increased tremendously. Against this backdrop a strong 'Oil Spill Response System'  is of paramount importance. The importance of capacity building & infrastructure in the ports & coastal administrations to fight oil spills & manage hazardous & noxious cargo can't be overemphasized. Ports should strictly adhere to ' National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan ' and state should modernize their pollution control apparatus. At the very last, it must be ensured that these and other big ports and oil handling facilities have the primary Tier 1 capability, which by definition can combat oil spills up to 700 tonnes.

              To prevent environmental fallouts in future, we should never forget that nature is a repository of precious resources which nourishes & sustains us without demanding anything in return. Thus it is our sacred duty to ensure its well being.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Make Wild Safe For Wildlife

                                  -Akshay & Jaideep 

The year was 1959. The place- a quaint densely wooded place in southern Indian continent. A temple of learning, IIT Madras was founded.

        For decades, the Indian  Institute of Technology, Madras has been instrumental in fuelling the progress of India by producing brilliant minds.
        IITM, spread over 600 acres of land, has coexisted with the natural environment consisting of innumerable flora and fauna. The sylvan campus with its serenity provides its human inhabitants an intellectually challenging environment. However, needless to say, the privilege of inhabiting this environment must not be taken for granted. Each one of us has a duty to preserve and enrich this biodiversity.  

        The institute biodiversity faces quite a few threats and it is our job to see that the wildlife is shielded from these threats. In this series, we will explore various environmental issues and challenges our institute faces and try to address their causes and possible remedies.

        Though challenges are many, we have the ability to bring about change. Many of the problems have simple solution. Also as IITians, the onus is on us to be creative and design solutions to our environmental problems. We must be more responsible and proactive towards these issues. Together we can succeed in making this place more eco-friendly and sustainable.  

Dangerous Dustbins:-

             In some recent media reports, it was depicted that some carcasses of dead animals contained almost 10 kg of plastics in their intestines!! Is indeed a sorry state that animals have to face such a painful death.
        Furthermore that day may not be far when such a news is reported regarding a deer in IITM.
        Through the IIT, the most common dustbins used  are plastic bins of animal shapes  where waste can be put through the mouth of the animals. Also the backside is open to facilitate the removal of waste wrapped in plastic along with the plastic film.

        This is a cause for great concern as IIT M is home to blackbucks which are a highly endangered species. While we seek to provide a safe haven to these creat
plasticures, we are unknowingly threatening their existence.
                                                         When animals ingest the plastic, they can’t digest it. But the sad part is they can’t excrete it either Plastics are not affected by digestive juices or saliva so as large films go into the stomach and intestine of animals thus affecting the surface absorption of nutrients. This continues for a long time and eventually leads to a slow and painful death for the animal.
Towards a solution:-
                                   There are a few lifestyle and habit changes which lead to significant improvement in the condition.

         Firstly, the concerned authorities should enforce that IIT M be an entirely plastic free campus by imposing a blanket ban on the usage of plastics. We should mandate that only paper bags and packaging is allowed. This would enormously reduce the amount of plastic waste.
         Secondly, we must change the existing dustbins or modify them so that animals can’t remove the waste from the dustbins. For that the dustbins shown can be used. Of course, the onus is  on the students and other citizen’s of the campus to ensure that the waste is always thrown only in the dustbins and nowhere else.  

          Also, the fact that animals have to resort to eating from dustbins indicates that the animals are not able to meet food requirements through the foliage. This shows that there is a pressing need to increase the green cover and develop more meadows.
Though simple and manageable, these measures will go a long way in reducing the threat to the animals from the dangerous dustbins in the campus.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Save Perungudi

                       Arvind Venkat

3200 tonnes!                     -  This is the amount of solid waste Chennai city produces in a day.

   Ever wondered where it all goes?   

                   Well,the majority of it is dumped in two places, Perungudi and Kodiyangur.  About 50% is dumped in the Perungudi dumpyard and the rest at Kodiyangur. That means that about 1600 tonnes of solid waste is dumped at Perungudi daily. This is a huge amount, by any standards.

        The whole area of Perungudi has been polluted because of the dump-yard, not just through one medium but through three, air, land and water. Some garbage at Perungudi including battery, plastics, paper and home waste is burnt. The resulting smoke has caused very bad air quality. The immediate air around Perungudi is highly loaded with toxic chemicals. Research has shown that there is a possibility of this leading to diseases like lung cancer. Indeed, the effects are being felt even as we speak. Residents are suffering from rashes and suffocation along with a general health deterioration.

        The waste in the landfill which has been buried underground has resulted in pollution of ground water. Well water has been rendered unusable. It has become yellowish brown in colour. Residents are forced to spend money to buy water from outside, not just for drinking but for all purposes.

         Analysis of water samples taken from 17 dug wells and 3 borewells shows that LEAD concentrations in all locations ranges from 0.121mg/l to 0.23mg/l when the MAXIMUM permissible limit is 0.05mg/l. Similarly Cu and NO3- concentrations are also above permissible levels of 0.05mg/l and 0.45mg/l .

      The place where the Perungudi dumpyard is now was once upon a time, a fertile marshland. It goes without saying that not much of that fertility is still left. Hence the land is now useless, except for building purposes.

      The most painful part of the entire situation is that Perungudi is by and large a RESIDENTIAL-CUM-INDUSTRIAL area. Nobody would be keen on living in an obviously        polluted  area with a dumpyard under their noses. Complaints have been made by residents to the TamilNadu Pollution Control Board,  but  the situation  isn't changing. However, it is most surprising thing to see a number of developers like TVH, ETL SEZ, Plaza Serene, Green Acres and Harmony Homes developing their land around the dumpyard. It can be seen that builders are not leaving any piece of land unexploited, whether or not it be near a dumpyard. It is an added bonus for them that they are getting the land cheaply as it is near the dumpyard.

       As the Corporation Commissioner has pointed out earlier, it is difficult to stop the  dumping operation at Perungudi altogether due to space constraints. However more clean and efficient methods of waste disposal can be adopted.
Research has been done in this area by Ms.R.Gandhimathi, guided by Prof.Mohan between 2005-07 as a part of the environment technology group of iitm. Prof.Mohan had recommended simple methods such as a 2 cm lining if fly-ash and sand spread over can prevent as much as 20% of the contamination from reaching the ground water. 

      Only if we take some tangible action now,the Perungudi area will improve...else the coming generation will face problems much worse than ours.